How To Mine Ethereum Classic

$ 22.92
Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Ethereum Classic Price

How To Mine Ethereum Classic: A Beginner's Guide

Ethereum Classic is a cryptocurrency that runs on a decentralized network of computers called the blockchain. It is a fork of the original Ethereum blockchain, which means it shares the same history and codebase until a certain point, when they diverged due to a controversial decision.

What is Ethereum Classic and where did it come from?

Ethereum Classic was born in 2016 after a major hack that affected The DAO, a smart contract that raised funds for projects built on the Ethereum platform. The DAO was attacked by an anonymous hacker who exploited a vulnerability and drained millions of dollars worth of ether, the native currency of Ethereum.

The Ethereum community was divided on how to deal with the hack. Some wanted to reverse the hack by altering the blockchain history and restoring the stolen funds. Others wanted to preserve the original blockchain and its immutable principle, meaning that transactions cannot be changed or erased once they are recorded.

The majority voted for the first option, which resulted in a hard fork, or a split in the blockchain. The new branch became known as Ethereum, while the old branch continued as Ethereum Classic. Since then, both networks have developed independently and have different features and goals.

What makes Ethereum Classic different from Ethereum?

Ethereum Classic and Ethereum are both smart contract platforms that allow developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) that run on the blockchain. They both use the same programming language, Solidity, and the same consensus mechanism, Proof-of-Work (PoW), which means that miners use their computing power to secure the network and validate transactions.

However, there are some key differences between them:

  • Ethereum Classic has a fixed supply of 210 million ETC, while Ethereum has no hard cap on its supply of ETH.
  • Ethereum Classic maintains the original ETHash algorithm, while Ethereum plans to switch to a new algorithm called ETH2 that will use Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which means that validators will stake their coins to secure the network and earn rewards.
  • Ethereum Classic follows a philosophy of immutability and code is law, while Ethereum is more flexible and open to innovation and upgrades.
Ethereum Classic
Total Time Needed: 30 minutes

Required Tools:

- A computer with a minimum of 4GB RAM and a compatible operating system (Windows, Linux, or MacOS)
- A mining software that supports ETCHash algorithm, such as lolMiner, PhoenixMiner, or GMiner
- A text editor to edit the configuration file of the miner
- An internet connection and a power supply

Required Materials:

- A graphics card (GPU) with at least 4GB of memory and high power efficiency. The best choices are the newer higher end Graphics Cards. I Prefer an Nvidia RTX 3070 or an AMD 6800.
- An ethereum classic wallet address to receive your rewards. You can use any wallet that supports ETC
- A mining pool account to join a group of miners and share the rewards. You can choose any of the ethereum classic pools from this list.

How To Mine Ethereum Classic: A Beginner's Guide

Step 1 - Choose a mining pool.
A mining pool is a group of miners who share their computing power and split the rewards. Joining a pool increases your chances of finding a block and reduces the variance of your income. You can find a list of ethereum classic pools here:
Step 2 - Download a mining software.
A mining software is a program that connects your hardware to the pool and the network. You can use any of the popular ethereum classic miners, such as lolMiner, PhoenixMiner, or GMiner.
Step 3 - Configure your miner.
Once you have downloaded and extracted the miner, you need to edit the configuration file (usually called start.bat or with your pool address, wallet address, and worker name. For example, if you are using lolMiner on Windows, your configuration file might look like this:

lolMiner.exe --algo ETCHASH --pool --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME --tls on --ethstratum ETHPROXY pause

Make sure you replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your own ethereum classic address and WORKER_NAME with a name of your choice.
2miners Ravencoin
Step 4 - Run your miner.
Double-click on the configuration file to start the miner. You should see some output on the console window showing your hash rate, temperature, fan speed, and accepted shares. You can also check your statistics on the pool website by entering your wallet address in the search box.
NBMiner Edit Bat File
Step 5 - Check Your Pool Stats
Check your statistics on the pool website by entering your wallet address in the search box. You should see your balance, earnings, payouts, and other details.
2miners Ergo
Step 6 - Enjoy your rewards.
The pool will pay you automatically every time you reach a certain threshold of ethereum classic in your balance. You can also transfer your earnings to an exchange or a wallet of your choice.
Choose Mining Software

Advanced Tips & Tricks For Ethereum Classic Mining

Ethereum Classic mining can be a rewarding and profitable activity, but it also requires some knowledge and skills to optimize your performance and avoid common mistakes. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you mine ETC more efficiently and effectively:

  • Choose the right hardware for your budget and goals. Depending on your available resources and electricity costs, you may want to invest in a powerful GPU or an ASIC miner that can deliver higher hash rates and lower power consumption. You can compare different hardware options on websites like whattomine or asicminervalue.
  • Keep your hardware cool and stable. Mining generates a lot of heat and stress on your hardware, which can affect its performance and lifespan. You should monitor the temperature, fan speed, and voltage of your hardware and adjust them accordingly. You can use software tools like MSI Afterburner or HWiNFO to do that. You should also ensure proper ventilation and cooling for your mining rig, such as using fans, air conditioners, or water cooling systems.
  • Update your drivers and software regularly. Mining software and drivers are constantly being updated to improve compatibility, stability, and efficiency. You should always check for the latest versions of your mining software and drivers and install them as soon as possible. You can find the download links and instructions for each software on their websites or on the pool website.
  • Choose a reliable and profitable mining pool. Mining pools are groups of miners who share their computing power and split the rewards. Joining a pool increases your chances of finding a block and reduces the variance of your income. However, not all pools are equal in terms of fees, payouts, security, and support. You should do some research and compare different pools before joining one. 
  • Optimize your mining settings and parameters. Mining software allows you to tweak various settings and parameters affecting your mining performance and profitability. For example, you can adjust the intensity, overclocking, undervolting, memory timing, fan speed, etc. However, you should be careful not to overdo it or damage your hardware. You should always test your settings before applying them and monitor their impact on your hash rate, power consumption, temperature, etc.
  • Keep track of your mining statistics and earnings. Mining pools usually provide a dashboard to check your hash rate, balance, payouts, shares, etc. You should regularly check your statistics and earnings to ensure everything is working properly, and you are getting paid correctly. You can also use online calculators or spreadsheets to estimate your profits and expenses based on your hash rate, power consumption, electricity costs, pool fees, etc.

How To Mine Ethereum Classic Videos

Video Description

In this video, you’ll learn how to mine Flux on any computer using the easy method. Follow along as we provide a step-by-step guide for mining Flux on your PC, laptop, or GPU. We’ll cover everything you need to know, including the required tools, materials, and necessary steps to get started. With our easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be up and mining Flux in no time. So sit back, relax, and let’s start mining!